Maryna Adamovich: Maybe, they are trying to force an appeal from Statkevich

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This is the former second-in-command of the military unit 3214 of physical training. He was sentenced to 21 years of imprisonment in 2002.


It was stated in the political TV-series of the NTV TV-Channel "The Godfather" that Vasilieu was connected with the so-called "death squadrons" and disappearance of the opposition members Yury Zakharanka, Victar Hanchar, Anatol Krasouski and Zmitser Zavadzki. Vasilieu refuted this information on air to the Belarusian Television.


Adamovich: "The only thing I am sure about is that such changes of neighbours cannot be accidental. There is no chance that this is a coincidence. As for the reasons, I can tell you my own versions. Probably, they want to intimidate him. Maybe this is an attempt of psychological or, God saves, physical pressure, to force him write an appeal for pardon. However, there might be other variants. Maybe this is demonstration of force and total control".  


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