Market vendors do not fear inspectors

The economy ministry threatens to raid market vendors who can't justify the increase of prices. But the administrations of market centers maintain they find our about inspections in the last turn. The foodstuff costs followed the US dollar which soared by 20 percent. The government has tried to contain vendors using inspections. In vain, so far.

Foodstuff prices are soaring across Belarus. In the Brest region, the costs jumped from 5 up to 30 percent, reports our correspondent Ivan Yurashchyk.

Ivan Yurashchyk: At markets in Hancavichy, Baranavichy and Niaswizh, mandarines prices went up from Br4500 per kg to Br6000. Major food prices also hiked: bread -- up 11 percent; sour cream -- up 7 percent; milk and yogurt -- up 6.6 percent. A kilogram of buckweat has become more expensive at 360 rubels. Fruits prices also soared.

ERB correspondent Yuras Vitalyeu reports about the growth of prices for meat and washing powder.

Yuras Vitalyeu: After the New Year, meat prices soared by 4000 rubels, now costing Br18,0000 per kg. Washing powder is still sold at the old costs, but a new stock will be sold at the prices 20 percent higher.

So far, officials from the pricing departments from local town halls have only monitored the prices and proposed that vendors reduce prices voluntarily. But control bodies are now ordered to make raids at market centers. Vendors who can't justify the inflation of prices will face punishment.

Previously, it was the State Control Committee that was in charge of inspections. But this function has been removed from this agency by a presidential order. However, to keep markets under control, the government is entitled to performing checks. The Cabinet of Ministers ordered the Pricing Committee at the Ministry of Economy to inspect all the market places across Belarus, officials told the European Radio for Belarus.

More detailed information is yet to be known. It is still unclear whether anyone has been penalized after those inspections.

Market administrations have no information about the raids, because they are not usually notified. Inspectors go straight to vendors.

After the inspection at one of the market places in Brest, a vendor told the European Radio for Belarus: "What can they order us? We have all the supporting documents". It means that higher prices are justified and can't be appealed.