Maradona refuses from premium housing in Minsk

Марадона адмовіўся ад прэміум-жылля ў Мінску, каб быць з камандай у Брэсце

FC Dynamo Brest has lined up several options of houses for Diego Maradona to choose from as he is preparing for his new job as the board chairman of the Belarusian football club.

Dynamo's managing director Valdas Ivanauskas told the Pressball sport news website that the housing in Belarus may not be of the same standard Maradon is used to. "We have picked several options. Well, it is not as the kind of villa he used to have recently. There is no sea either."

According to Iavanauskas, Maradona takes reality with understanding. On the other hand, the club's management knows that the legendary Argentinian has lived in fine conditions all his life. "At some point, we even asked him if we should look for options in Minsk where a premium housing offer is bigger. But he refused. He wants to be in Brest, together with the team," Ivanauskas said.