Lyabedzka: Politcians must attend Autukhovich's final hearing

The Supreme Court of Belarus is expected on May 6 to announce its verdict on the case of the entrepreneurs from Vaukavysk.  Belarusian politicians told Euroradio that they would definitely be present during the final stage of the trial. Vital Rymasheuski from the Belarusian Christian Democracy explained why he would go to support the entrepreneurs:

Rymasheuski: "After this trial, we will unfortunately get yet another political prisoner. Actually, he will remain to be more exact, because he was arrested long time ago... If we don't defend each other, who else will defend us".

Other politicians are also going to support Autukhovich. Andrei Sannikov, coordinator of Charter-97, told Euroradio he would be present. And, in the words of UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka, this is a must for politicians to be present during the court's session, because trial is clearly political.

Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka and Alyaksandr Laryn -- all the entrepreneurs from Vaukavysk -- are charged with plotting a terror attack. Former police officer Mikhail Kazlou is charged with failing to report this plot.