
Activists continue rallies against a resto opened next to the mass graves of Stalin's execution victims near the Minsk beltway.
Zmitser Dashkevich: The state is covering up the restaurant in Kurapaty.
Activists protest against a restaurant near the mass graves - the site of executions of Belarusians during Stalin's repressions.
The Bulbash-Hall entertainment center in Kurapaty. Photo: belsat.eu
The Bulbash-Hall entertainment center in Kurapaty. Photo: belsat.eu
The object will be put into service in January 2018.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The traditional rally on Sunday to commemorate the dead ancestors also known as Dziady was authorized by the authorities.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The auction dated for Dzyady will be held on Sunday, November 5. Its participants will gather near the plant ‘Luch’.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
Some 20 people lit candles near the spot where Stalin's secret police NKDV executed over 100 Belarusian intellectuals in 1937.
Photo: kremlinpress.com
Photo: kremlinpress.com
Over 100 Belarusian intellectuals were executed in a secret police NKVD's prison in Minsk 80 years ago.
Archive photo
Archive photo
The traditional rally to commemorate the victims of Stalinist repressions in late 1930s will proceed to Kurapaty on November 5.