Kurapaty manifestation allowed by Minsk authorities

Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio

Minsk city and regional authorities have allowed a meeting in Kurapaty, the place where the victims of Stalin’s repressions were buried in mass graves. A people’s memorial can be found there. The action dated for Dzyady (the day of commemoration of ancestors) will be held on Sunday, November 5. Its participants will gather near the watch plant Luch at 11.30 a.m. The manifestation will start at 12 p.m., Radio Liberty reports. It has not been reported who applied for this year’s action. However, the action has always been organized by the CCP-BPF so far.

Мінскія ўлады дазволілі шэсце і мітынг у Курапатах
Photo: Euroradio