Kozlowski: Belarus needs to halve the army and make it professional

Belarus should make a professional army by reducing almost at half the number of troops, former Belarus defense minister Pavel Kozlowski . He had even proposed this reform to the defense ministry but his draft was not approved.

Poland adolished the mandatory draft. It means that yet another neighboring country has adopted a contract-based military service system. In Belarus, Pavel Kolowski says, there is a mixed system: there are both professional soldiers and draftees. However, he reckons a professional army is more efficient in the modern world:

Pavel Kozlowski: Of course, a professional army is always better trained and equipped. On the one hand, there should be a lot of funding for wages, housing of professionals. On the other hand, since he is better trained, he will maintain the equipment better. Even if an army is not prepared for a large-scale wareware but, for instance, to fight terrorism, a professional army will be better than the one comprised of those drafted for one year.

ERB: What prevents Belarus from finally building a professional army?

Pavel Kozlowski: Belarus' financial situation is number one hurde. There is no question that a professional army is more expensive. Moreover, the government is reluctant over this issue. Before, I announced my views on this issue and is ready to do it once again: Belarus does not need the army it has now (60,000 troops or more). The army should have less troops but professional.

ERB: Have attempts been made to make the army professional in principle?

Pavel Kozlowski: Some 6 years ago, at the initiative of the United CIvic Party, I headed a working group to develop a possible reform draft. While working on this issue, we analayzed the experience and economic possibilities of our country as well as the views of professional officers, including those who are still in service. We came to a conclusion that it would be worth switching to a professional army in Belarus while reducing it at approximately a half. This should be calculated: how many aircraft, tanks, artillery systems, armored vehicles Belarus should have, given the military forecasts for the country. We even filed this draft with the defense ministry. But there should be less words and more actions for Belarus also to have a professional army.