International Monetary Fund’s mission conducts negotiations in Minsk

A mission of the International Monetary Fund has arrived in Minsk and started discussing the issue of allocation of a stand-by credit with the Belarusian authorities. “Interfax” informs that the IMF’s mission is headed by its representative in Russia – Neven Mates.
Let us remind you that the Belarusian government and the National Bank have asked the IMF for a 2-billion dollar reserve credit explaining it by the necessity of creation of “a safety pillow” for the national economy during the world financial and economic crisis.

The urgency of the mission’s work on the stabilising credit is explained by the negative influence of the crisis on the Belarusian economy and its access to foreign financing. At the same time, the change of foreign trade conditions has exercised a negative influence on the country’s balance of payment.

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund has promised Ukraine a 16.5-billion dollar credit so that it could survive the consequences of the world financial crisis, reports “Nasha Niva”.