Іhar Rynkevіch: We will conduct “Chernobyl Way” in a civilized and noble way

A traditional street action dated for the anniversary of Chernobyl disaster - “Chernobyl Way” will take place in Minsk on April 26. It has been allowed by the authorities. The organizers were summoned to the police on the eve of the action. Four people out of eight arrived: Іhar Rynkevіch from the BSDP (H), Uladzimir Labkovich from the BNF Party, Mihail Pashkevich from the UCP and Aleh Shapavalau from the BCP.

They were suggested signing an official warning about the possible criminal responsibility if the action’s participants decided to change the itinerary, but all the present organizers refused to do it.

This is what Ihar Rynkevich said in an interview with ERB:

"The Office of Public Prosecutor was going to warn us about the inadmissibility of violation of the law on mass actions. In our turn, we said that we were ready and had prepared a brigade to keep the order. Furthermore, we asked the Office of the Public Prosecutor to inform us about possible provocations if they knew about them. But we did not receive any reply".

Indeed, a brigade will appear at “Chernobyl Way” to keep the order there. It has not happened for a long time. The organizers promise that they will not allow any provocations and they hope there will not be any.

Іhar Rynkevіch: "But I think that we will conduct a civilized “Chernobyl Way” on that mournful date. And that there will not be any doubt that we will be able to conduct everything in a noble way and according to the law”.