"Fate of Halshany Castle fate may befall Baruny monastery”

120409 Kuniuta.mp3

Euroradio: Why would you like to buy the building of the former monastery?

Ivan Kunyuta: The building is still there, but the fate of Halshany Castle may befall it. You know what state the castle is in. There used to be a school until 1956 and only the walls have remained until now – remnants of the walls. The same may happen to the monastery. It would not be good if ruins of an abandoned building appeared near the beautifully repaired Catholic church. It is necessary to preserve it – maybe some investors will appear in the future. They may use the building for something.

Euroradio: The rural council has claimed that it is ready to sell the building at a symbolic price – the new owner just needs to have the money to repair it. Are you going to take care of the building on your own, or will somebody help you preserve it?

Ivan Kunyuta: The collective farm was responsible for the building when it was a school. But for the collapse of the Soviet Union, something could have been done about the building. They planned to make a café, a registry office, a music and sports school there - everything that was needed in the village. They almost did it and the Soviet Union collapsed – there was no more money and everything was destroyed. Can you imagine it?! So much money was spent in vain…

Euroradio: Do you have any plans or dreams? What would you like to see in the building?

Ivan Kunyuta: The monastery could be restored and it could be used as a tourist attraction. The cells could be repaired to demonstrate the life of monks… Or it could become a café as it was planned. It would not be a problem to do both things. Baruny is big and there are no places where you could have a snack. A lot of tourists arrive in summer. The money… I have friends and they also have friends. There are people who have a lot of money and who care about the building. They are ready to invest money too. Something may be done if the building is sold.

Euroradio: Could the superior of Baruny Catholic church find a way to help restore the building?..

Ivan Kunyuta: Maybe the Catholic church will help in the future. But they have their own problems at the moment.