European parliament to urge Belarus to register Belarusian Christian Democracy party

A new resolution will also include the names of 3 political prisoners, New Life protestant church and a demand not to harass students.
A delegation of Belarusian politicians was in Brussels on November 17-19 to hold meetings with MEPs and sum up the results of one year of the dialogue between EU and the Belarusian authorities.

In the view of Aliaksei Yanukevich, the chairman of the Party of the Belarusian Popular Front, the visit turned out to be successful, with the results becoming tangible in the future. According to the politician, the Belarusian delegation finally convinced MEPs to continue a dialogue with the official regime but not to give in to the blackmain from the official Minsk.

Over the two days, the delegation from Belarus also discussed with MEPs a draft of the next resolution on Belarus that the European Parliament is expected to pass. The Belarusians also offered their amendments to the wording of the resolution, Aliaksei Yanukovich told Euroradio. "We entered some proposals that were supported and entered in the draft. We met representatives from almost every faction and asked to support the resolution and our proposals".

The new resolution is expected to contain around 14 paragraphs. But, generally, it will be an expanded versiod of five old erquirements. But, Pavel Seviarynets, a co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party that he is organizing, reckons the new resolution will be more detained and concrete. He says: "5 earlier requirements might be met or not by making some cosmetic changes or even something that the civil society never demanded. For instance, putting a policeman near every ballot box. We did not demand that, but Lukashenka is selling it to the West. But now there are clear demands to register the Belarusian Christian Democracy; it also mentions 3 political prisoners and New Life church. It was not in the resolutions before”.

The Belarusian politicians also included a demand to stop persecuting students who were expelled from universities for political reasons and cannot return to the country under the threat of military draft.

Another important point of the resolution will be a demand to include 5 Belarus officials and 5 opposition members in to the Belarusian delegation at the Eronest Parliamentary Assembly which is part of the Eastern Partnership program.

However, there are no illusions that the Belarusian authorities will rush to meet the demands of the resolution. But the first results of the talks can be tangible very soon -- Schengen visas for 35 euros. The costs could be possibly abolished, but that's the issue of the future, says Pavel Seviarynets.

Photo by Euroradio