Education minister: Children have the right to study in Belarusian

Жураўкоў: Калі ёсць жаданне вучыцца па-беларуску, школы мусяць гэта забяспечыць

The Ministry of Education makes sure that students have an opportunity to study in Belarusian, if their parents wish so, Minister Mikhail Zhuraoukou told Euroradio at a news conference in Minsk today.

Zhuraukou: "If parents wish their child to study in the Belarusian language, the state must ensure this opportunity. We monitor the situation so that the rights of our citizens to study in a state language of their choice are not infringed upon."

In the view of Zhuraukou, interest in the Belarusian language is on the rise. However, Belstat reports that only 13.7% of Belarusian schoolchildren study in their native tongue.