Dzmitry Us: Strangers frighten my 70-year-old mother

Strangers are exercising physiological pressure on Dzmitry Us’ mother. The former presidential candidate has informed Euroradio about it. Dzmitry Us: “My mother lives alone in her flat. They phoned her at about 10 p.m. and said they were from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They said I had to visit some unknown address. She is 70 years old and has gone into hysteric because they are phoning her and keep coming. They know where I live and work, they know my phone numbers. But they want to threaten my relatives this way”.

Dzmitry Us was delivered to KGB from his flat at 2 a.m. on the night of December 20 and was imprisoned in the detention centre.

“However, the same KGB members visited my mother on the same night at 5 a.m., they said they were from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and had come “to take me away”, - said Dzmitry Us.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs demanded that Dzmitry Us had to present a list of his official responsibilities as the director of the “Trivium” enterprise on January 10. It may be connected with some criminal case. Let us remind you that “Trivium” was searched on December 24: PCs, subscription lists in support of Us and Stakevich, candidates’ leaflets and correspondence with the OSCE were confiscated.