
File photo
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The video published by Lithuania's Border Control Service shows a pack of wolves checking the border with Belarus.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The auction dated for Dzyady will be held on Sunday, November 5. Its participants will gather near the plant ‘Luch’.
Andrei Raukou. File photo: BELTA
Andrei Raukou. File photo: BELTA
Defense Minister Andrei Raukou is to meet with China's military leadership ' to discuss bilateral military cooperation issues.'
Belarus Railways will launch a new Minsk-Warsaw-Minsk train service from 10 December 2017.
A forest wildcat in Belarus' Chernobyl exclusion zone.
A forest wildcat in Belarus' Chernobyl exclusion zone.
A forest wildcat was photographed in the village of Rozava situated deep in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
Photo: open source
Photo: open source
Stalin's secret police NKVD executed over a hundred Belarusian scholars and cultural figures on the night of October 30, 1937.
Frogs crossing a road. Photo:
Frogs crossing a road. Photo:
A passageway for frogs will appear on 197th kilometer of the M6 Minsk-Hrodna highway currently under reconstruction.
Illustration by
Illustration by
Belarus is set to upgrade its transport and communication infrastructure ahead of the 2019 European Games.
Igor Kizim who was a sergeant in the Soviet Army says there was no hazing in his military unit at his time.