
It totals 150 thousand kronor.

Mihail Hvastou, Belarusian Ambassador of the UN mission in Geneva, has claimed it.

The ex-head of the National Bank visited the former palace of the Sapehas, where he signed in the guest book and bought several magnets with their coat-of-arms.

The EU is preparing to expand the list of Belarusian officials and businessmen to impose visa and economic sanctions.

"European Belarus" activists conducted an informational campaign to support the politician.

Warnings have been pronounced to employees of some enterprises on the eve of November 12 – the day of the National Assembly.

An action was organized near the Belarusian Embassy in Warsaw on November 10. Its participants demanded to release political prisoners in Belarus.

Babruisk Court has jailed Kantsantsin Loktseu, co-head of the steering committee of the People’s Assembly, for three days.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has signed the corresponding agreement.