Candidate was not put on voters' list, because he was not at home?

The election commission knew that Siarhei Kuzmyanok was a MP candidate but crossed his name out from the list of voters at the same polling station. Siarhei Kuzmyanok was very embarassed, when he did not find his name in the election lists. He is running in the same consituency where he was supposed to vote. The European Radio for Belarus has learned that Kuzmyanok lives in this area for 15 years was always on the lists of voters.

The explanations from the election commission were vague:

“They said that perhaps I was not at home, when they were visiting the house to check voters. I came up to the chairman of the election commission and said I was just about to call OSCE observers. The case resolved immediately right away.

After Siarhei Kuzmyanok was entered into the lists, the candidate voted...for himself, naturally.
