Zmicier Lukashuk

The Ministry of Justice has pronounced the second warning to the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu has addressed the UN and international human rights organizations.

Arnaldo Abeti has told whether he is expecting "deportation" and whether Italy supports the idea of expanding sanctions against Belarus.

Euroradio has found out what deputies are doing to help the country cope with its problems in economy and finances.

As Euroradio has found out, the corresponding commission has considered only 110 out of 308 applications for financial assistance.

The ex-presidential candidate Andrej Sannikau has passed an appeal to Belarusians from prison. He demands the second round of election.

Strict verdicts were pronounced to the ex-candidates and the other participants of the Square on May 26.

Belarusian polar explorers say that 234 thousand dollars is not much, but hope they will go to the expedition to the South Pole this season.

Doctor Andrei Illin has died in Minsk hospital at 11 .a.m. today, on May 25. His wife has informed Euroradio about it.