Zmicier Lukashuk

FEMEN activists urge the international community to boycott the World Cup which is to take place in Belarus in 2014.

The payment for the hostel for those who were sentenced to forcible labour in a specialized facility in the village of Kuplin increases twice.

Iryna Halip, wife of ex-presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau, has received a letter from him after a certain break.

It reminds about the Belarusian political prisoners.

Yesterday the head of Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu's electoral HQ became a non-party.

No one wants to try to predict when the TV-channel is back to the Minskers' flats. The regions have no problems with watching Euronews.

He sings NRM’s songs. However, there are new musicians on the stage and the name of the band is different now.

It is the money to be blamed for Euronews' disappearance from the Minskers' TV-screens, not the politics.

Inna Shevchenko has told Euroradio when she cried for the first time. Oksana Shachko’s boyfriend has told that it seems to her that KGB members are everywhere.