Pavel Sviardlou

One of Belarusian Popular Front leaders comments on the resignation of Leanid Maltsau as State Secretary of the Security Council.

Hundreds take part in traditional Dzyady rally to commemorate the dead. The demonstration was authorized by City Hall and organized by the BPF party.

Prominent opposition activist Pavel Sevyarynets is expected to walk out free after his labor exile term ends on Saturday, October 19.

Others have been released with no charges.

Belarusians tell Euroradio whether they would agree to have a child if someone offers them $10 thousand straightaway.

On Wednesday, the writer flies to a book fair in Frankfurt, while on October 10 it will be announced whether she got the Nobel Prize.

A former military man helps birds in Minsk Pryvakzalnaya Square. Pigeons do not fear him and take food from his hands.

In the video, Andrei Dzmitryeu talks about the good police, drunken opposition activists and the dispersal of candidate Nyaklyaeu's column.

The 5-year experiment is over and they need to move on, said the founders of the Swedish PR company that organized the teddy bear airdrop in Belarus.