Pavel Sviardlou

The incident occurred at the crossroads of Independence A venue and Lenin Street.

He staked 5 million roubles on the Barysau club before the matches with "Lille" and "Bayern".

Sale of tickets to the game BATE (Barysau) vs "Bayern" (Munich) has started today. Meanwhile, "Bayern" took their own bus to Minsk!

Euroradio reporter has talked to voters in Malinauka, Minsk's largest bedroom community.

Famous commentator Vasili Utkin analyzes BATE's chances and explains why they should play Bayern as if it were Tarpeda Zhodzina.

Belarus stuck with the daylight saving time together with Russia in 2011. Now, the Russian Duma is going to revert the change.

Byalatsky's colleague from the International Federadion for Human Rights Sasha Kulayeva discusses his chances to receive the Sakharov Prize for human rights.

Syarhei Karnilenka failed has penalty shot because of it. Referee Vadzim Zhuk says that FIFA should conduct an investigation and punish France for it.

Euroradio experts analyze the level of students' education and correspondence of entrance exams to school education on the basis of the centralized tests.