
Kurapaty Tract, 1989 / Vasil Syamashka
Kurapaty Tract, 1989 / Vasil Syamashka
Lots of people, young Zyanon Paznyak and the first big cross – Vasil Syamashka, 17, has preserved the history.
Kurapaty. October 30, 2019 / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Kurapaty. October 30, 2019 / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Hundreds of people visited Kurapaty to commemorate the victims of Stalin’s regime on the evening of October 29.
Kurapaty, 29 October 2019 / Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Kurapaty, 29 October 2019 / Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
On 29-30 October 1937, the Soviet secret police executed by shooting over 100 Belarusian intellectuals.
Deputy head of Belarus' petrochemical monopoly Belneftekhim Svyatlana Huryna says Belarus looks for alternatives to Russian crude.
OSCE ODIHR observers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs/
OSCE ODIHR observers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs/
The polling stations will be put under non-stop police surveillance after ballot papers are in.
Henadz Davydzka and Syarhei Klishevich have agreed to participate in the debates /,
Henadz Davydzka and Syarhei Klishevich have agreed to participate in the debates /,
The debates between parliamentary candidates will be pre-recorded and broadcast on Belarus 3 state TV channel.
Iryna Dalidovich says in her speech on YouTube she will seek impeachment for President Lukashenka if she is elected an MP.
Zmitser Paliyenka / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Zmitser Paliyenka / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Yuryn was drunk and attacked first, Paliyenka says.
Затрыманне Сяргея Спарыша /
Затрыманне Сяргея Спарыша /
He has been accused of waving his arms during the detention.