Artsiom Martynovich

The Belarusian authorities are hoping to get a 3 billion dollar credit from the International Monetary Fund.
The results of voting abroad were added to the election results in Minsk's Leninski District.
There are also early-voting polling stations where the incumbent received less votes than across the country.
Activists of "Right of Choice" campaign spokeabout the election violations.
Karatkevich's campaign chief Andrei Dzmitryeu says the election results will be appealed.
Most students voted early in Homel University named after Skaryna and the University of Technology in Minsk.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka voted with his two sons in 1994, alone – in 2001 and 2006 and with his son Mikalai in 2008.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka has voted at his polling station (photo fact).
Volha from Belarus State University shares with Euroradio how it feels not to vote early in Belarus elections.