Artsiom Martynovich

However, it was made before the state leader's statements - before "Kastrychnitskaya" station opening on April 14.

The organizers of the blast in Minsk metro and their accomplices will stand trial according to the same article, thinks the lawyer.

Anatol Liabedzka has told what he asked Ramanchuk about during their meeting and why some people turned out to be "weak and mean" after the election.

Electric power supply failed in four districts of the city.

The number of clients has decreased by two times in two weeks and Internet shop owners hardly manage to change prices on their websites in time.

The Supreme Economic Court has not satisfied the newspaper’s appeal to nullify the warning pronounced by the Ministry of Information.

The organizers of the action do not want to go there; they had been planning to gather people in Yakub Kolas Square.

The state has taken the prices for traffic between mobile networks under control.

The tragedy took place on March 7. The guy was skiing at a high speed, broke through the fence and hit the tree.