Ales Piletski

Euroradio has asked people present at uncle Ryhor’s funeral to recite their favourite verses written by Baradulin.

Belarus' border control committee says there are no Ukrainian refugees at the border.

Revolutions are impossible to predict, reckons political analyst Andrei Kazakevich.

Newly appointed Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov has reported it on Facebook.

He does not blame “the bloody regime”, he blames “negligent” organizers.

Kanstantsin Kazlou has been sentenced to 15 years for killing his ex-wife.

Minsk's Zavodski District Court sentences the man who killed his former wife to 15 years in prison.

The teachers have written a letter in support of dismissed head of the Senate Pavel Tserashkovich.

The ex-head of the Senate has learnt it from an e-mail sent by pro-rector Bernardas Gailius.