War in Donbass

Three population groups are doing it, an MFA representative said.
Right Sector fighter spoke about the detainee and wondered about the gun hard to get in Ukraine.
How come a man with a bullet-proof vest, a gun, two passports, and Ukraine IDs gets held in downtown Minsk only?
A young man with warfare background in Ukraine is detained possessing weapons and explosives in Minsk.
Power supply lines in Kherson Oblast have been blown up.
Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich tells Euroradio around 100 Belarus nationals take part in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Dozens of Belarusian citizens fight for the both sides in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Meeting with Belarusians fighting in Donets Basin organized in Warsaw (photo)
Leader of the so-called ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ Igor Plotnitski invited the senator to observe local elections.