Alexander Bukhvostov: Our people are bullied in regions

The Justice Ministry of Belarus has decided to postpone the state registration of the Belarusian Party of Labor. Officials demand the additional data in order to veirfy the submitted documents.  The founding congress of the party took place in July in Minsk, with 65 delegates from across the country taking part. According to Alexander Bukhvostov who chairs the organizing committee, no protocols of regional assemblies on the delegates were submitted to the justice ministry. He hoped that officials would familiarize themselves with those documents at the congress, but they did not attend the event.

Alexander Bukhvostov: "If you make a step forward and give them the document, they will start intimidating all the people. They have already began making phone calls. We have reports from the regions that people are bullied.

The founders of the party are now waiting for an official letter from the justice ministry and will later decide whether to submit the documents or to resolve the matter in court.