Agnieszka Romaszewska returns to “Belsat”

Her forced vacations lasted for one week.
Agnieszka Romaszewska has informed ERB that the position of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the support of ordinary citizens influenced the decision:

"I think there were a lot of arguments. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs exercised is pressure together with the press and citizens”.

Let us remind you that Agnieszka Romaszewska was dismissed from the position on March 17 for “ignoring decisions of the supervisory council”. Beata Paklepa was appointed for the position instead of her. She used to be the deputy head of the channel. The events caused anxiety in connection with the possibility that “Belsat” could be left without financial assistance.

However, “Belsat” has received financial assistance and its former director has come back.

"Nothing will be changed. We have to think how to continue our work and whether the money will be enough. We also have to find additional money so that we could work better”, - says Romaszewska.

"Усё застанецца па-ранейшаму. Цяпер трэба абдумаць як працаваць далей, наколькі грошай нам хопіць. Як знайсці дадатковыя грошы, каб лепей працаваць", — кажа Рамашэўска.

Гл. ранейшыя публікацыі па тэме:

Дырэктарку "Белсата" раптам адправілі ў адстаўку

А. Рамашэўска: Я хачу, каб ніхто не сыходзіў, тады я вярнуся

Агнешка Рамашэўска: МЗС Польшчы будзе фінансаваць "Белсат"