Access restored to (document)

Access to, restricted by the 15 June resolution of the Ministry of Information, is to be restored. Euroradio reminds that the website was blocked over the information, which 'may harm the national interests" of the country. Officials were not happy that some of the stories published on contained 'abusive expressions' with regard to the state holiday - Victory Day and were spotted by the citizens who participated in the celebrations. Official also pointed to the tabooed vocabulary used against certain social groups, nationalities and religious confessions.

Dianov: I do not feel pitty for They should have not written those stories

However, already on 24 June, the Ministry of Information of Belarus issued the resolution signed by the first deputy minister Ihar Lutski "On restoring the access to Internet." It states that all the identified violations have been rectified. Therefore, access to has been restored. The order is mandatory for all Internet providers. Some of them have already reacted and restored access but some are to yet to do so.  

Photo: Fotolia and Facebook