100 thousand domains registered in .by zone

Director of hoster.by Syarhei Pavalishau told Euroradio:

"We reached the number of 100 thousand domains an hour ago. Over 50% of all the domains were registered in the past two years.”

The best domain names were auctioned.

"The leader is casino.by – Br250 million. It has shattered all the records and it is unlikely to be beaten soon. We are waiting for the .bel zone to open. The rules have not been set yet but we expect that the best domain names will also be auctioned there. Maybe casino.bel or poisk.bel will be able to beat the record of casino.by.”

The auctions helped raise over $150 thousand for orphanages. Irbel.by became the one-hundred-thousandth domain.  

Photo: Fotolia