Zmitser Dashkevich

The mobile session of Mazyr court in the local colony decided that the political prisoner will spend the rest of his term in the closed prison.

Zmicier Dashkevich will spend the rest of his prison term in a 'roofed' jail, Mozyr court's outhouse trial ruling reads.

The MEP has informed this to Euroradio.

The prisoner says he will stop the hunger strike if the prison administration stops persecuting him, adopts adequate attitude and apoligizes for insults.

They came up with a common statement in defence of the leader of the international organization "Young Front".

The legendary youth organization celebrated 15th anniversary by handing diplomas to activists of the year.

It is the maximum term of imprisonment the political prisoner could get for the accusation of disobedience to the colony administration.

The closed trial against the leader of the "Young Front" (registered in Czech Republic) will take place in the correctional colony No. 13 in Hlybokaye.

The "Young Front" leader will stand trial upon the new criminal case on Tuesday, August 28. He faces one more year in jail.