Zmitser Dashkevich

"Are you involved in politics?" — asked the prosecutor. "I am. I’m from the Young Front", — replied Dashkevich. - “Is it registered in Belarus?”

Leaflets in support of the political prisoners appeared at bus stops and on poster pillars.

The trials of the leaders of the Young Front have been postponed for one day by Minsk Moscow District Court (they had to take place on March 21).

Palazhanka writes that she appeals to judge on Constitution Day not accidentally. "If the Word of God is not an authority for you, maybe, the Constitution is?"

The judge of the Maskouski district court of Minsk Alena Shylko will consider the case of the "Young Front" leaders.

Informational leaflets with a photo of Zmitser Dashkevich, the imprisoned leader of the “Young Front”, appeared in different districts of Minsk on Sunday.

Marianna Semeshka will defend Zmitser Dashkevich, and Vadzim Mushynski will defend Paval Sieviarynets.

They will stand trial within a month - their case has already been transferred to the court for studying.

The case of Zmitser Dashkevich - a Chairman of the "Young Front" (registered in Czech Republic) - was passed to the Maskouski district court of Minsk.