Uladzimir Makei

It is what the Belarus Minister of Foreign Affairs, Uladzimir Makey said in an interview with The Washington Post.

Belarus Minister of Foreign Affairs has given an interview to the influential American media Washington Post.

But on May 22 Belarus and Latvia signed an agreement further simplifying the procedures for residents of border areas of the two countries.

It was the statement about annexation of Crimea that Belarus delegation found unacceptable.

Belarus joined it with some reservations.

On Thursday, the Eastern Partnership summit opened in the Latvian capital. Belarus was represented by the Foreign Minister.

The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported the news to Euroradio.

Brussels has mentioned the Belarusian PM while Riga says that there is no official application for the summit now.

The Indian President announced his intention at a meeting with Belarusian Foreign Minister.