Uladzimir Makei

Belarus' Foregn Minister Uladzimir Makei rebuts 'anti-Russian' accusations at a news conference in Moscow.
Dmitry Kiselyov will give a press conference in Minsk on April 7.
A meeting dedicated to Belarus-Europe relations was held on Tuesday.
Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei praised the quality of Belarusian programmers on a visit to Hungary.
Western politicians’ opinion about Belarus has changed thanks to Minsk agreements, the Minister for Foreign Affair believes.
The event has been dated for the 95th anniversary of the creation of the BSSR People’s Foreign Affairs Committee.
On Thursday Minsk hosted a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Belarus and Lithuania.
He is planning to meet with Belarusian Minster for Foreign Affairs Uladzimir Makei.
Belarus Foreighn Minister is currently in the United States as part of the Belarusian delegation.