Uladzimir Makei

Belarus' Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei will pay a working visit to Russia on February 21-22.
Belarus' transit-country status is undermined after Russia restricts entry for foreigners traveling via Belarus.
The Belarus diplomacy chief describes a standoff about gas price between Belarus and Russia as "small problems".
"He is an ordinary schoolboy. He goes to an ordinary village school," says Belarus foreign Minister about Kolya Lukashenka.
The Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs has met with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence in New York.
Belarus Foreign Minister will focus on the problem of migrants and refugees in his speech.
The Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs has taken part in an informal meeting of the EU Ministers.
Belarus does not want any tension buildup in the region, said Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei during his official visit to Latvia
Minsk and Brussels have overcome ‘some psychological issues’, the Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs said.