Uladzimir Makei

Belarus, Russian foreign policy chiefs met Wednesday in Moscow.

Lavrov and Makey will discuss cooperation in the framework of the Union State and "interaction at international arena".

The meet is scheduled for July 10.

Maira Mora, Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus, speaks on the EU's principles in Belarus and whether political prisoners would be free by November.

According to the Foreign Minister, it depends on several circumstances.

Belarus foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Savinyh praises EU move to suspend sanctions against Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei.

Political commentator Roman Yakovlevsky reckons Brussels is making concessions over the issue of political prisoners by suspending the sanctions.

He will be allowed to enter the European Union while he is in the position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei has met OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic in Minsk.