Trade in Belarus

Fruit from Poland follow Moldova's produce to fall victim of Russian counter sanctions.

Vice Premier Piotr Prakapovich calls for stricter conditions for import supplies to Belarus.

The Council of Ministers decides to abandon controversial plans to introduce broad import restrictions for six months.

The vice PMs of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will take part in the meeting of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council in Sochi on Monday.

City Hall orders shops and caterers in Minsk to make sure that 85 percent of goods on sale are Belarus-made.

PayPal will be launched in ten new markets including Belarus, the company has announced.

No official permission to sell imported beer has been given as there was no official ban either.

300 thousand foreigners (mainly Belarusians) spent almost a billion zlotys thanks to Poland’s Tax Free in 2013.

They also import footwear, household chemicals, tyres, hygiene products, electric tools and TV-sets.