Syarhey Skrabets to run for Belarus's presidency

Former lawmaker and ex-political prisoner Syarhey Skrabets has announced he is going to take part in the presidential elections in 2011. He is backed by his colleagues from the former parliamentary faction, Respublika. The former MPs have now ended up in different political groups. General Valery Frolov is part of the leadership at the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), while Uladzimir Parfyanovich together with Leanid Sinitsyn wrote the so called Minsk Manifesto which pushes for a closer integration with Russia. However, all former Respublika members pledged their backing to Skrabets.

Skrabets tried to register his nomination group for the 2006 presidential elections. However, the Central Elections Commission rejected his registration bid due to the lack of votes.

Skrabets: "I was in jail then. You know it is very difficult to manage things from prison".

He believes that now he has both the time and possibilities for a decent campaign. If the United Pro-Democratic Forces pick their single candidate, Skrabets is ready to negotiate with them. It is known who will be allowed to register, because signatures alone do not mean anything, according to the politician.