Swine Fever in Belarus

On Monday the President demanded to restore volumes of pork production in Belarus.

Passport is enough to get to nuclear power plant. Euroradio reports on pigs protected like atoms.

The anti-ASF headquaretrs has been set up in Vetka district.

The European Union approves funding worth of Eur 1. 729 million to fight wildlife diseases in Belarus.

A kilo of pork costs up to Br84 thousand in Poland's Białystok against Br140 thousands in Minsk.

Two bodies of infected wild boar have been found at the Lithuania-Belarus border.

A case of swine fever has been registered on the farm “Ros”, Danilauka village.

Sausages will be made from the meat of pigs confiscated from the first African swine fever buffer zone.

The Decree of the Council of Ministers # 758 prescribes this.