Shaputska to defend Rymasheuski's team from repressions in CEC

A 20-year-old Tatsiana Shaputska has become the CEC member with advisory capacity. The presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski has nominated her as his representative to the Central Election Commission. 
Tatsiana has informed in the conversation with ERB that she is going to defend Rymasheuski's interests during the election campaign:

Shaputska: "I see my task as defending of the BCD's interests, namely, the interests of the BCD candidate, during the election campaign. I will have an opportunity to convey directly to the CEC if there are any points of criticism or facts of repressions against the members of Rymasheuski's team. Thus I think it is a good opportunity to tell them directly how the campaign is going. I think I will get new experience at these sessions."

Apart from Vital Rymasheuski, three more candidates delegated their representatives to CEC. Thus, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu nominated Tatsiana Protska. Siarhej Alfer will represent Jaraslau Ramanchuk's interests, and Natallia Tsiareshchanka - the interests of Viktar Tsiareshchanka.

6 more places of CEC members with advisory capacity are still vacant.