Russian cryptocurrency miners dash to Belarus to register companies


Business activity has been on the rise Belarusian provinces after the President's Decree on digital economy came into force. New companies are registered every day, Mikhail Keizarau, director of a small-size business incubator in Viciebsk, northeastern Belarus told the SB.Belarus Today state-run newspaper. 

"We register two or three legal entities every day. Quite frankly, we have not seen this happening for many years. We have a lot of mining companies from Russia and the Baltic states coming to us. “It is difficult to do it in our country, while in Belarus all the conditions are in place ," they tell us. We are doing everything to make the companies stay, create new jobs and pay taxes, Keizarau said. 

Belarus President's decree on digital economy was signed in late December 2017. Among many other things, it created legal framework for cryptocurrency transactions.
