Russian credits Belarus

Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia
The debt amounts to $6.5 billion, according to the estimates revealed by the Russian government.
Belarus receives the loan in Russian rubles. Photo:
Belarus receives the loan in Russian rubles. Photo:
Belarus will use the loan to service another Russian credit received earlier.
Photo: TASS
Photo: TASS
Russian deputy finance minister says Belarus is set to receive an interstate loan from Moscow.
Minsk continues negotiations with the Russian government over a $700-million loan to re-finance the country's foreign debt.
Belarusian DPM Uladzimir Syamashka says Belarus will get loans from Moscow worth up to $1 billion 'on good terms.'
The money will be transferred in seven tranches during 2016-2018.
In total, our country will receive $2.1 billion loan over two years.
Russian Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko even asked to bring her a fur coat.
This issue still needs to be discussed, Russian deputy Minister of Finance Sergei Storchak told journalists.