Zmitser Bandarenka to undergo surgery on July 26

Square convict Zmitser Bandarenka has serious problems with his spine. He will not be able to walk if he is not provided proper medical assistance. It is dangerous to conduct a surgery now without the necessary rehabilitation period, and independent surgeon has consulted the political prisoner's wife Volha Bandarenka. Even the doctors from the prison hospital are against the surgery. A person should follow certain recommendations after such a surgery, and it is impossible in prison.

Zmitser Bandarenka will spend 4 days in the hospital after the surgery, and then - 2 weeks in the prison hospital in Valadarski Street. Strong pains are possible, and the political prisoner's wife Volha is afraid that they might start blackmailing him. Like, if you don't sigh a petition for mercy, we will not give you pain-killers, Charter-97 informs.