Mahilyou prison #4: Sannikau was transported 4 days ago

Mahilyou human rights activist Alyaksei Kolchyn has told Euroradio about the results of the lawyer’s visit: 
Kolchyn: "The lawyer was told that Sannikau had left Mahilyou prison #4. He was transported to Vitsebsk prison #2 four days ago. That’s it… On the whole, we wanted to find out Sannikau whereabouts, to get some information that would be confirmed officially”.

Iryna Halip, Andrei Sannikau’s wife, received a letter from her husband on November 23. It was written in Mahilyou prison on November 17. The political prisoner wrote that the transfer from Babruisk colony to Mahilyou “had been hard and the joints started aching again due to the cold”.
Let us remind you that it became known that the ex-candidate had been transferred from Babruisk colony on November 16. The Penalty Department informed Halip that her husband was being transported to a colony in Vitsebsk Province. However, they did not tell her which colony it was.