EU's Ministers to expand "black list" criteria for Belarus

The EU's foreign ministers will discuss the situation in Belarus on January 23. It is expected that new names, and probably companies, will be added to the "black list". The Council of the European Union's press-center informs that they will reconsider the criteria for including someone into the "black list":

"The Council of the European Union will take the decision on expansion of criteria for imposing limitations against a certain person or company. This opens the way for the future definition of the responsible for serious human rights violations, for repressions against the civil society and the democratic opposition, or those who support Lukashenka's regime and get benefits from it".

The Belarusian issue is nearly the last one on the agenda of the Council of the EU. Only the situation in Sudan and South Sudan comes next. At first, the European ministers will discuss Iran's nuclear program and expansion of sanctions against the country, the situation in Syria and Egypt, as well as the peaceful process in the Middle East and the latest events in Burma and Kosovo.

A summarizing press-conference starts at about 7 p.m., Minsk time.

At present moment, the EU's "black list" contains 210 names and 3 Belarusian companies.