10 members of BPF Seym summoned to police

As it has been informed by BelaPAN with a reference to Seym member Vadzim Kanapatski, the subpoenas had no postal stamps on them. They were delivered to the party's headquarters much later than the time which was indicated in the documents. Therefore, the party members did not go anywhere and sent a letter to the police with a request to execute the official subpoenas in a proper way.

Kanapatski says that the case under which the party members were called to the police was not mentioned in the documents. In his opinion, such mass call to the investigator may be connected with the criminal case started against three members of the BPF Seym. Let us remind you, Ales Kalita, Maxim Hubarevich and Syarzhuk Semyanyuk are accused of beating the guard of the building in which the party's office is located. 

The party's directive board considers the mass call for interrogation as a politically motivated pressure on the opposition organization.