Pawa. "Pawa"

111214 Agljadacha.mp3

Belarusian ethno bands are trying to present themselves in the progressive field of the world sea of music by experimenting with electronic music. One of the first bands that combined granny’s songs with electronic beats and presented them to numerous Belarusians was Palats. Having listened to Dead Can Dance, Deep Forest and Enigma, Palats found its own crystal-clear mixture of electronic music and ethno and called it folk-modern which is excellently demonstrated in the albums “Palats” and “Darozhka”. Having switched to the field of calm ethno-rock with time, the band made one more attempt to make their songs “more electronic” and produced a collection of remixes “Dancing Palats” with the help of DJ Ray Hvisevich.


KRIWI appeared in the Palats’ lab and started working on the electronic basis too. KRIWI’s early arrangements were characterized by minimalism, cosmopolitism and love for humankind. That is why many people love the album “Hej-Loli” most of all although KRIWI worked with electronic music many times.


Using colleagues’ experience and watching the world tendencies, ethno bands diversified their repertoire with remixes. We mean the mid 2000s. Howvere, most remixes were made like this: a DJ or a person who knew electronic music took a song, worked on it and presented a new one. It means that there was no cooperation. The band could enjoy something new and fashionable in its history. Thus, many ethno bands received remixes.  For example, “Medunitsa” by T-Trider and Maksа Ratort  - “Gudy” or “Vyasna-Krasna”  and “Soldier’s song” by “Metro Logic” – “Yar”.


The disc “Zhar-Zhar” by the ethno trio “Troitsa” became the culmination of the Belarusian electronic granny’s song. It was made with the help of co-producer Andrei Zhykau and was out in 2008. “Troitsa” shocked by the hard sound, diversity of samples and effects and additional instruments. It became a key album in the development of the Belarusian electronic ethno music and of the band itself. “Troitsa” roused itself, took a breath and followed its way to “Zimachka”.


Belarusian music lovers are waiting for the presentations of new electronic projects by singers of the band “Akana” – a joint project of Iryna Katvitskaya, musician Alyaksei Varsoba (Port Mone) and sound producer Andrei Zhukau and “Shuma” by Rusya and Nadzeya Chyhunova.


A new electronic project – Pawa – and a disc of the same name have appeared now. “Pawa” is made by musicians from І Тestamentum Тerrae and Mіkіta Sedzyankou. They would like to make ancient music sound modern. Taking into account the insularity of the field medieval bands work in, the disc of eight remixes from the album “Anglesa” by  Тestamentum Тerrae seems to be a break-though to the real world and demonstrates a desire to experiment. The cute album is painted in a simple way without any special tints or emotional features. However, amateurs of Тestamentum Тerrae, the Middle Age and knights are going to like it.
