
Belarusian opposition leaders have met Israeli Ambassador Iosif Shagal today, on February 14.

The Israeli Ambassador should apologize for his words instead of hushing up the conflict, the politician thinks.

Belarusian opposition leaders will meet Israeli Ambassador Iosif Shagal on February 14.

Belarusian Christian Democracy co-leader Vital Rymasheuski has been fined for Br2 million 80 thousand (15 base amounts) today.

Deputy leader of the Movement for Freedom has commented on Aleh Haidukevich’s yesterday’s statement.

CEC chairwoman Lidziya Yarmozhyna comments on attempts by some opposition parties to register nomination groups in several constituencies at a time.

The picket No to occupation of Belarus! has been organized near the Russian Embassy in Warsaw today.

The member of Belarusian Chrtistian Democracy party's steering committee is serving his sentence in Mahilyou prison #4.

The UCP leader has been fined for Br5 million 850 thousand (over $600).