Nursultan Nazarbayev

Presidents Lukashenka, Putin and Nazarbayev put their signatures on the agreement in Kazakh capital city of Astana to create a common market.

Lukashenka is taking part in the meeting of the Higher Eurasian Economic Council together with the Russian and Kazakhstani Presidents in Astana today.

Our President will conduct ‘complicated negotiations’ with Putin in Astana today.

Russia and Kazakhstan presidents will take part in the meeting of the Higher Eurasian Council on April 29.

A meeting of the Higher Eurasian Economic Council will be held in the Russian capital today.

The Belarusian, Kazakhstani and Russian leaders will gather in Moscow at a meeting of the Higher EurAsEC Council on March 5.

Vladimir Putin, Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Nursultan Nazarbayev discussed the Ukrainian problem by phone on March 3, BelaPAN reports.