non-governmental organization

The Ministry of Culture has addressed to the National Academy of Sciences.

The Tell the Truth! civic campaign distributes false utilities bills, worth over Br1 million, to draw attention to the soaring utilities prices.

December 25 will be a working day in building trust #8.

Lyapis Lrubetskoy front-man Syarhei Mikhalok wins the Civil Society Champions 2013 Award organized by Assembly of NGOs on December 23.

Brest's Leninski district court is set to hear the case of activist Ales Charkashyn.

They are defending the building from Berkut storming.

The head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church replied it to Tamara Selyun whose son was sentenced to death earlier.

The activist of the "Young Front" (Czech Republic) is obliged to appear in Pershamaiski district police department on that day.

Activists of the civil initative Alternativa pasted them near the supermarket Belarus and at bus stops.