non-governmental organization

Annual forum on the issues of politics and security — "Riga conference 2011" - opens today in the capital of Latvia.

And on their total rehabilitation as well.

This demand of Inessa Krutaya has been declared by her father Alyaksandr.

The former political prisoner predicts that other polictical prisoners will be released within the next two weeks, in an interview to Euroradio.

The former political prisoner confirmed Mikalaj Statkevich's words.

Political scientist Jury Chavusau has commened upon pardon of another group of political prisoners by the Belarusian authorities.

UN General Assembly introduced this holiday in 2007.

The wife of released political prisoner Pavel Vinahradau has talked to Euroradio right after she received the good news.

The international ecological organization was created on September 15, 1971.